The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, A Rún, Vol.The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil A Rún, Volume 5 by Nagabe.Close Your Eyes, Hold Hands by Chris Bohjalian.20 Master Plots: And How to Build Them by Ronald B.My goal for April is to reclaim some of that time.Ī post shared by Katie Spofford can find my reviews for each book I read over on Goodreads. Atomic Habits was good, and helped me to see that I had some habits that are not serving me, and made me realize that the shift during COVID from in-person meetings to Zoom stole an hour or more of dedicated writing time from me on Tuesday nights. Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman was a great book to make me want to say no to things and find joy and fulfillment outside of productivity.

I’ve been feeling a bit burned out from work and lacking in creativity and drive. Now that the book award committee is done, I can breathe a sigh of relief and get down to reading books I’m truly interested in.Ī good chunk of my March reading was self-help books. My pick for book club, Into the Forest by Jean Heglund, was also really good. The Drowned Woods by Emily Lloyd-Jones was great, and The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz was a thrill ride. Unlike February, March brought me quite a few titles that I really enjoyed. I only read 13 books in March, but none of them were graphic novels and I’m not counting the two crochet books. You know that’s going to keep falling to the bottom of my list since it isn’t a library book. I was able to finish all of the books in my March TBR pic except for The Eye of the World. I found a few cool crocheting books at the library ( Crocheted Succulents and Hello Hexie) with projects I’ll try after I finish the sweater I started in the picture below. Other search options in the drop-down menu are "Title Starts With", "Title Contains", and "Author".March brought a renewed interest in crocheting.

Then either push the Enter key on your keyboard, or click the GO! button. To use this method, simply type a word, words, or phrase into the blank at the top of the screen. NOTE: For searches with "AND", "OR", etc, use More Search Options.

Word order and letter case do not matter. You'll be presented with the list of library items based on their relevancy to your search. It searches all titles, subtitles, authors' first and last names, various notes, and a number of other fields. It performs a Google®-type search (including support for putting phrases in quotes). Most likely, you'll want to use this simple search.